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nasi ayam, kaki ayam, anak ayam, ayam oh ayam-ayam's rule- |
this week segala-galanya berjalan dengan lancar
no more conflict in emotional management
lebih rileks.. lebih tenang.. dan lebih 'happy' :D
final trip for Animal Farm Practices, we've visited poultry farm..
ayam? best ke jd penternak? x smart la, selekeh la.. leceh la nak jaga ayam..
those might have lingered in our thoughts before about farming and others thing related to these fields
but, after have proper learning about agricultural and animal livestock, you might change the perspective and views on farming
InsyaAllah projek2 tanaman atau penternakan ini sebenarnya boleh memberi hasil yang lumayan kalau ad perancangan dan strategi perniagaan,
kalau x percaya.. tgkla sendiri kejayaan Pok Ya( bukan nama sebenar), the owner of the poultry farm
kitorang ada dengar info penting pasal contract farming since Pok Ya pn practice cara ni..
this contract farming involved two parties which are integrators and farmers
integrators will supply the day-old chicks (DOC), khidmat nasihat, anything associated with the production cost for broilers.. some example of integrators are KFC, McD and others
farmers just have to provide the place, site and adequate water and proper management...
besides, the manures of the chicken can be applied in agricultural field as organic fertilizers
mcm integrated farming gak..
Pok Ya juga ada tanam cili so, dia guna je baja dari tahi ayam (manures) tuh..
keuntungan xpyh ckp la..
boleh pakai kete mewah kot..(pendapatan rahsia, takut ada lak nak g merompak Pok Ya pasni) hihi
so, kpd sesiapa yang menganggur atau rasa mcm xde keje..
lbih baik anda usahakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat..
tapi, kunci setiap kejayaan adalah usaha yang gigih.. jadi, rajin2kanlah diri anda untuk berjaya ea
(peringatan utk diri sendiri juga [*_*])
jangan mengharapkan rezeki datang bergolek..
insyaAllah, berjaya.. SUCCESS!
-broiler:ayam daging
-day-old-chick: anak ayam
hah, extra info..
selalu kita dgr orang ckp yang closed-house system utk poultry apply air-conditioners
actually bukan guna air-cond, just the concept for circulating hot air converting to cool air
(when the temperature is above the set temperature around ±27°C), the cooling pad will be wet to allow the cool air transmitted inside the house
the air extractors will suck the hot air, thus the whole house system will be able to get fresh and cooling air inside
hah, sape ckp kita x canggih?? kira power la tuh.. aplikasi yang mudah dan berkesan
doa: usaha: ikhtiar: tawakkal